Advertise with AHLA
Reach up to 37,000+ Health Law Decision Makers
Connect with the nation's largest community of health care legal professionals through AHLA's customized advertising opportunities. Our 37,000 members, subscribers, and customers represent the full spectrum of health care law, from private practice attorneys and consultants to in-house counsel and government professionals. Build brand awareness and generate qualified leads by showcasing your services to professionals serving hospitals, health systems, physicians, insurers, life sciences companies, and managed care organizations.
Advertising Opportunities
Health Law Connections
Health Law Connections is the Association's flagship member publication devoted to providing analysis of health law related topics. Magazine is printed Bi-Monthly and reaches 12,000 members every two months. AHLA members rely on the publication for its focus on industry news, member profiles, and education opportunities. Learn More
AHLA Website Advertising
Target AHLA members and the greater health law community. AHLA’s site has on average 30,000 visitors per month. Health law professionals use AHLA’s website to access exclusive content on trending legal topics and for their specialized practice areas, digital research libraries, on-demand and upcoming new continuing legal education, as well as member connection and networking events.
AHLA Website Advertising:
- 3 month banner package: $2,400
- 6 month banner package: $4,200
- 12 month banner package: $7,200
Banners run on the following site pages:
- Health and Life Science Law Daily
- Newsstand
- AHLA's State Health Law Weekly
- Communities Homepage
- Health Law Archive
- Journal of Health and Life Sciences Law, and
- Education and Events
Site Banner Specs: Client submits 300 x 250 pixels banner
Format: JPG, GIF, or PNG
Tags: Accepted
AHLA E-Newsletters
Connect directly with AHLA members through member enewsletters - Health Law Daily and Health Law Weekly. Both channels are a great way to engage with an active community seeking info and content relative to the health law industry.
Health Law Weekly—Members’ Highest Ranked Publication
Topical content by members for members sent by email each ‘Friday to AHLA members. Reach nearly 10,000 members with this top-ranked resource.
- Circulation: 9,000+ every Friday
- Text ad size and availability: 1 Text ad or two display ads per issue
- Specs: Text and display ad specs available upon request
Investment: $1,600 monthly (includes 4 weekly insertions)
Health Law Daily
Industry news articles sent by email to AHLA members each morning. Reach 9,000+ leading health law and health care professionals across the nation.
- Circulation: 9,000+ daily, Monday-Friday
- Text ad size and availability: 2 Text ads and two display ads per
- Specs: Text and display ad specs available upon request
Investment: $925 per week (includes 5 insertions Monday-Friday)
More information is available regarding format, and more upon request. Contact Valerie Eshleman at 202-833-0784 or [email protected].
Third Party, Thought Leader Emails
AHLA offers a third party email opportunity that allows you to reach up to 37,000 AHLA members, subscribers, and customers. You create the message in html and AHLA will send it to our community on your behalf to their broadcast email audience.
Reach Up to 37,000 subscribers (members and nonmembers)
Investment: $7,000 per email
More information is available regarding format, scheduling, and more upon request. Contact Valerie Eshleman at 202-833-0784 or [email protected].
Thought Leader Webinars
Package includes:
AHLA’s Thought Leader webinars are a powerful, 60-minute lead-generating opportunity to position your company as experts within the health law community. You provide the webinar content and speakers, and AHLA handles the logistics and marketing! Webinars are free for attendees and AHLA markets your webinar to its audience of member, subscribers, and customers.
- Listing on AHLA’s Education & Events calendar and AHLA’s Distance Learning webpage
- Listing in two AHLA webinar marketing emails, distributed to nearly 37,000 health law professionals
- AHLA will send a dedicated marketing email message to members to promote your webinar.
- 2 social media posts per AHLA channels
- Lead Generation—Purchaser receives the full registrant list, including name, company, title, city and state and email address.
Investment: $9,750.00
More information is available regarding format, topics, and more upon request. Contact Valerie Eshleman at 202-833-0784 or [email protected].
Contact: For a customized media package or more information on pricing, packages and placement, contact Valerie Eshleman at 202-833-0784 or [email protected].
AHLA Advertising Disclaimer: AHLA reserves the right to refuse any advertiser, at any time, with or without cause. In general, AHLA will not accept advertising opportunities whereby the product/service being advertised:
- Directly competes with a current AHLA publication, conference, webinar, program, etc. or any AHLA product/service in production
- Is held 30 days before a topically related AHLA conference/webinar or the association’s annual meeting
- Supports or advocates in favor of a political or public policy or from an organization that primarily identifies with a particular political or public policy
- Insinuates the endorsement/participation/approval of AHLA for the content within the ad or in any way describes a relationship between the advertiser and AHLA that does not exist
- Would not be of interest to the general health law professional
Sponsorship Opportunities
Align your company with the high-quality content of AHLA. Sponsorship opportunities are available for in-person programs, webinars, educational calls, podcasts, ePrograms, conveners, and more!