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Mentoring Program

AHLA’s Mentoring Program provides an opportunity to establish mutually beneficial relationships that support your growth – whether participating as a Mentor or a Mentee – you will find health law colleagues who share your passion and interests. Experience personal satisfaction by paying it forward, while also enhancing your own listening and leadership skills.

The benefits are numerous, including personal satisfaction through giving back and legacy building, continuous learning, personal and professional development through skill enhancement, career guidance, and goal setting. Networking opportunities are expanded with increased connections and industry insights, while mutual learning fosters fresh perspectives. Participation also increases confidence with a solid support system, aids in professional recognition, can advance your career, and strengthens AHLA's leadership pipeline.

Enroll as a Mentor and/or Mentee

  • Set your preferences about mentoring topics you would be comfortable exploring.
  • Indicate your area of specialty, career stage, Practice Group to which you belong, working setting, etc.
  • Remember to click SAVE each time, before moving to the next question. [accordion]

Note: AHLA is committed to inclusion of underrepresented groups and values a broad spectrum of diversity, to include gender and gender identity, geographic area, practice setting, age, and other characteristics. In Diversity Preference, you can indicate if you are diverse or desire to be matched with someone who is diverse.

Search for Mentors

  • Go to Mentoring Directories to identify potential Mentors.
  • Make your search parameters as broad as possible. The more specific you are in your requirements the smaller your pool may be of potential Mentors. To return a larger pool, limit your preferences to those most important to you.
  • If you need to narrow down the list, do a new search and select preferences from the criteria listed.
  • Click FIND MENTORS button at the bottom of the page.
  • Review the results and click on specific members’ profiles to learn more about them.
  • Select the individual you wish to connect with and click MENTOR REQUEST, which appears underneath the member’s profile picture or SEND MENTOR REQUEST in the middle of the page. This will bring you to a page where you can send your invitation to connect.

Search for Mentees

  • Go to Mentoring Directories and then click on the Find a Mentee tab to identify potential Mentees.
    • Make your search parameters as broad as possible. The more specific you are in your requirements the smaller your pool may be of potential Menees. To return a larger pool, limit your preferences to those most important to you.
    • If you need to narrow down the list, do a new search and select preferences from the criteria listed.
  • Click FIND MENTEES button at the bottom of the page.
  • Review the results and click on specific members’ profiles to learn more about them.
  • Select the individual you wish to connect with and click MENTEE REQUEST, which appears underneath the member’s profile picture or SEND MENTEE REQUEST in the middle of the page. This will bring you to a page where you can send your invitation to connect.

Extend an Invitation

Make a request to the individual you would like to pair with and let them know of your interest. When Your Mentor (or Mentee) Accepts Your Invitation

  • Set up a time to connect.
  • Review the Mentoring FAQs tab to find information that will be useful as you prepare for an initial kick-off call.
  • Complete a Mentoring Agreement that outlines agreed upon objectives, duration of the agreement, meeting logistics, and expectations.

Participate in Mentoring Community

Members who complete a Mentor and/or Mentee enrollment are automatically subscribed to AHLA’s Mentoring Community.

  • Interact with other Mentors and Mentees
  • Ask questions.
  • Share best practices.

To get started, please log into the AHLA website using your username and password. Select "Communities" from the navigation bar to enter the Health Law Network. From there, choose "Mentoring Program" and then "Mentor Program Instructions" to find all the information you need.