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July 2020    Volume 1 Issue 4
Health Law Connections

Outside or Institutional Activity? Internal Review and Compensation Considerations

Four-Step Process for AMC Faculty Physician Review and AMC Policy and Procedure Considerations
  • July 01, 2020
  • Deborah Biggs , Comprehensive Outcomes Management Technologies LLC
  • Angie Caldwell , PYA, P.C.

Academic medical centers (AMCs) provide health care services to communities, while also being leaders in education, research, and innovation. With such strong and competing priorities, financial pressures are high, and the organizational structures are incredibly complex. This complexity creates numerous challenges—including scrutiny of productivity and overall assessment of the faculty physician activity and corresponding compensation paid. A review of faculty activities can be for faculty activities within the AMC (paid by the entities under the AMC institutional umbrella), and it can also be for activity outside the AMC. Depending on the organizational structure, the proposed faculty physician outside activity may require institutional approval; contracts may require review and approval; and, in some cases, the AMC may consider this to be activity of the institution, and contracts and revenue will impact the organization through an institutional contract.

This article examines the various policy and operational factors in considering this an institutional activity.


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