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February 2022    Volume 3 Issue 2
Health Law Connections

Young Professionals—A Silver Lining: Reassess, Innovate, and Seek New Relationships

  • February 01, 2022
  • Joseph Wheeler , Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

The past two years have been a wild ride. For many of us, February 2020 was the last month before COVID restrictions and the stay-at-home orders set in. Despite intermittent lock downs and restrictions, America’s COVID death toll has now exceeded 800,000. Then, following on the heels of the murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter protests were reignited and spread across the country. At around the same time, others protested against continuing COVID restrictions, mask mandates, lock downs, and (later) vaccine mandates. To top it off, 2020 was an election year.


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