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Volunteer Resource Center

AHLA Podcast Guidelines

AHLA's Speaking of Health Law podcasts offer thoughtful analysis and insightful commentary on the legal and policy issues affecting the health care system.[1] AHLA welcomes volunteer contributions to the podcast channel, subject to the requirements and process outlined below.

General Requirements

  • Groups or individuals who wish to propose a podcast must route those proposals through a submission process, like any other AHLA content proposal. Groups or individuals submitting a proposal should not confirm speakers or other participants prior to submitting the proposal for review.
  • Podcasts should have between two and four speakers (including the host/moderator). No more than one individual from a single organization may speak on a podcast.
  • Podcasts should be 20-40 minutes long, and they should be very conversational in tone. Podcasts should not be delivered in a presentation-style format.
  • Specific to Practice Groups: Podcasts cannot be counted toward a Practice Group’s minimum content requirements like member-exclusive items such as bulletins, briefings, toolkits, and Health Law Connections articles. Podcasts will still be considered when evaluating a Practice Group’s overall output and will be included on all relevant output reports.

Process for Content Development

  • Volunteer submits a podcast proposal [email protected]. Volunteer may also indicate whether they believe a video component is appropriate, subject to AHLA review and approval.
  • AHLA Education staff reviews the podcast proposal, considers it in light of other content and content needs, and contacts volunteer with any questions or concerns.
  • Once a podcast proposal is approved, volunteer should confirm speakers and provide contact information to AHLA. AHLA Education staff will then determine the recording/release schedule and provide logistical information and support to participants.[2]
  • AHLA Education staff records, edits, and releases the podcast.

AHLA Education Staff Contacts

Lisa Salerno
Senior Director of Education
(202) 833-0751
[email protected]

Matt Ausloos
Manager of Publishing
(202) 833-6952
[email protected]


[2] AHLA releases a limited number of podcasts per month, so all approved podcasts will be slotted according to the schedule determined by AHLA Education staff.