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The Future of Health Law
The Future of Health Law

Real World, Practical Analysis that Complements Your Education

We know that you’re eager to learn and get ahead. AHLA is committed to providing you cutting-edge thought leadership in health care law to position you for success.

American Health Law Association Names Julia Sun Inaugural Student Writing Competition Winner

The American Health Law Association (AHLA) is pleased to announce Julia Sun, a second-year law student at the University of Illinois College of Law, as the recipient of its inaugural Student Writing Competition Award.

See winning article here.

The Student Writing Competition represents AHLA's commitment to fostering excellence in health law education and supporting the next generation of health care legal professionals. The award includes a $500 prize and featured publication of the winning paper on AHLA's digital platforms.

"Julia's work exemplifies the innovative thinking and rigorous analysis we aim to cultivate within the health law community," says Asha B. Scielzo, AHLA President. "Her unique background in human biology and regulatory affairs brings valuable interdisciplinary insights to complex health care legal challenges."

Law Student Internships and Externships

AHLA hires law student externs and interns throughout the year. These experiences give students opportunities to work on substantive health law projects and expand their professional network.

+ Click Here for Application Details

Health Law Disruption: 2030 and Beyond

AHLA created a 2030 Task Force to research anticipated changes in the health care and health law industries over the next ten years. The white paper identifies and discusses in-depth, three health care industry trends and two health law industry trends.

+Access the White Paper

Top Ten Issues in Health Law

Each year, AHLA analyzes the top ten issues in health law and provides guidance on next steps forward, as the health law community seeks lasting solutions to the critical issues explored herein.

+Read the 2023 Article

+Listen to the 2023 Podcast Series

Regulating the Future of Artificial Intelligence and More

From February 2020, we share three articles about Artificial Intelligence and how they are affecting the future of health and health law. 

+Access the Issue

3 Positives of Professional Development

A personal narrative from a fellow young professional, offering a relatable perspective on how their professional development goals for 2020 were drastically changed by COVID-19.

+Access the Article

State Health Care Fraud Law

A compilation of our 50-state survey that summarizes fraud and abuse statutes, regulations, and other pertinent authorities for each state. This survey aims to make your process of legal research more efficient.

+Review the Survey

Law as a Social Determinant of Health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, social determinants of health are conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes.

+Read the Feature

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And, take advantage of hundreds of volunteer opportunities to gain expertise and grow professionally!

An individual may become a student subscriber while in active student status for up to three years and receive the benefits listed above. In addition, student subscribers receive special pricing when registering for live webinars and conferences. Students wanting additional benefits should consider joining at the Full, Enhanced or Premium membership level.

Professional Development Resources to Keep Your Career on Track

Whether it's landing that first job out of school or needing advice along the way to keep your career path on track, AHLA looks out for your professional development. 

The Law Firm Hiring Process

Learn about the law firm hiring process and pursuing a career in health law in part one of this AHLA professional development two-part podcast series.

+Listen to Part 1

How to Be a Successful Associate

Learn about how to be a successful associate in part two of this AHLA professional development two-part podcast series.

+Listen to Part 2

Career Center

Connecting talent with opportunity