Giving to AHLA
Online Gift
Your donations support the next generation of health law professionals.
Donate Monthly
The assurance of ongoing revenue from recurring gifts empowers AHLA to expand our services further and faster.
Tribute Gifts
Celebrate the health law community by donating to recognize a friend or colleague who has made an impact on your life or career.
Corporate Giving
Please contact our Development team at [email protected] if your corporation, law firm, or organization is interested in supporting the work of the American Health Law Association.
Employee Matching
For more information on making a matching gift, please contact us at [email protected]. Help us leverage your gift to double or even triple your impact and help ensure well-qualified next generation of health law professionals.
Gifts of Stocks & Bonds
Many donors make gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds because they can have an immediate impact on our mission while maximizing potential tax benefits and avoiding capital gains tax.
Bequests by Will
One of the simplest planned gifts is a bequest through your will in which you designate either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate after other disbursements. In addition to supporting AHLA, it serves as an example to your heirs of the values and ideals you hold dear. A bequest also can reduce the amount of your taxable estate, which may increase the actual amount available to loved ones.
View Making a Bequest to Benefit AHLA and the AHLA Estate Intention Form for more information.
Beneficiary Designations
A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to support the next generation of health law professionals. You can designate AHLA as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, investment or bank account, or your life insurance policy. By making AHLA your beneficiary, you will impact the lives of current and future health law professionals.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably-inclined individuals, familys, and businesses to make tax-deductible donations of cash, publically-traded stock, and in some cases, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Donors 72 1/2 or older with a traditional IRA are eligible to make a tax-free donation to AHLA directly from their IRA account. IRA gifts can fulfill Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), reduce taxable income, and have an immediate impact on AHLA. IRA Charitable Rollovers are also sometimes referred to as Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs).
Sponsorship Opportunities
Align your company with the high-quality content of AHLA. Sponsorship opportunities are available for in-person programs, webinars, educational calls, podcasts, ePrograms, conveners, and more!